Bokara Rug Company

50 Enterprise Avenue North, Secaucus, NJ 07094, USA.

201 601 0040

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Dedicated to commitment, quality and design, Bokara has provided the highest quality and finest area rugs for over four decades. Originally a dealer of antique and rare rugs, the company’s founder and owner, Jan Soleimani keenly felt the growing demand for a broader range of designs. In Bokara's vast state-of-the-art warehouse, dealers, designers and customers will find one of North America’s largest collections of fine rugs—from antique, semi-antique and antique-rugs-in-the-making, to modern, decorative, transitional, traditional, European, contemporary and one-of-kind pieces from around the world.  

With an inventory that includes exclusive hard-to-find rugs, in-stock sizes range from room-sizes, runners, scatter sizes plus a huge collection of oversize and unusual size rugs. Custom sizes and colourways are also available. Rooted in the past, but geared to meet today's needs, Bokara's goal is to provide elegance and excellence—one room at a time. 

Bokara Rug Company